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Welcome to PlayScrab

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Why Choose PlayScrab?

No adverts, no treasure hunts, no bots, just real Scrabble against real people

An extensive choice of board and tile designs

Shuffle your rack or arrange alphabetically with one click
Type, tap, click, drag or use arrow keys to rearrange your tiles

Click, tap or type your tiles onto the board
Choose to play with the worldwide Collins dictionary or the North American dictionary
Choose to allow fake words ("phonies") you can challenge or have the computer disallow them

Rich, full-featured, well-organised layout on desktops, laptops and larger tablets

Compact version with larger buttons for phones and smaller tablets

Games with your friends, friendly games with strangers, or hotly fought league matches
Choose from a variety of game lengths: finish a game in as little as ten minutes or take as long as three weeks

Earn a place in our Hall of Fame with a magnificent game or super-scoring word.

See instantly how many tiles remain unseen
And click the bag to view the unseen tiles (vowels optionally a different colour)

Hover over a word or tap it to see a definition (not enabled in "challenge" games)

At the end of a game, see a complete list of the words used, their definitions and any phonies that got sneaked through

A Facebook group where you can chat with those strangers and turn them into friends
Admins always available to help if you get stuck or find a bug

Detailed stats (if you like that kind of thing) including head-to-head history of games with your rivals and your personal best games and word scores

Detailed turn-by-turn score analysis

What does it cost?

PlayScrab is not "free". There are no adverts. Remember, if you're not paying for a service, you're the product, not the customer.
You can play up to ten friendly games as a free trial.
Once you have completed three friendlies, you can join one of our leagues if you wish. Everyone joins in the bottom division.
League games are free until you get promoted out of the bottom division.
Once you run out of free friendly games or get promoted in your league, you need to subscribe to continue playing.
Subscriptions cost £5 a year but most players top this up with a £10-£20 donation. (The subs are kept low so no-one is excluded but we couldn't run without extra support.)
If you really want to support PlayScrab, please consider becoming a patron. Patrons donate £5+ a month or £50+ a year.
It's our patrons that make continual improvement and support for the app possible.

£5 a year is one-ninth of the cost of going ad-free with our major rival.

Convinced yet?

Click here to create a new account and start playing